Anthony C. Readhead
Anthony Readhead
Robinson Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus
Caltech Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
B.Sc., University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, 1968; Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1972. Research Fellow, Caltech, 1974-75; Senior Research Fellow, 1976-79; Research Associate, 1979-81; Professor, 1981-2000; Rawn Professor, 2000-13; Robinson Professor, 2013-15; Robinson Professor, Emeritus, 2015-; Director, Owens Valley Radio Observatory, 1981-86, 2007-18; Executive Officer, 1990-92, 2012-13; Director, Chajnantor Observatory, 2006-2011; Jet Propulsion Laboratory Senior Research Scientist, 2006-15.